Medical Microneedling With the Use of Dermarollers


The microneedling devices are innovative devices that induce collagen in the skin. The microneedlingdevices has provided us a choice other than microdermabrasion and lasers in order to lessen acne scars. Most of the time, the acne scars are the after effect of the adolescent acne that has left a couple of scars and pits on the face. These have a tendency to cause essential mental and psychological distress on the patient. Treatments with lasers have a tendency to burn the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, which could cause changes in skin pigmentation whereas other gentler methods may not provide satisfactory outcomes. The microneedling devices provide a safe treatment for the acne scars.

First and foremost, the patient is counseled regarding the method. After this, a local anesthetic cream is then placed as a thick coat on the entire face. And then, the patient is asked to wait for about an hour for suitable anesthetic effect to take effect. After an hour, the patient is then placed on the operating table but a consent is obtained before it. The anesthetic is then wiped off with the use of a sterile cotton. The face is sterilized with a povidone iodine solution. Keep in mind that absolute sterility is vital in this method. The dermatologist obtains a sterile microneedling device at this website with a length of about 1 to 2mm. he or she would then roll the microneedling device in four directions in the entire face. Care must be taken and be gentle as much as possible not rolling it so much since this could cause changes in pigmentation. Once you are done rolling, an icepack is then placed on the face and is washed off. After procedure bactroban cream is applied for about 5 days. And a sunscreen use is required after using the microneedling device.

Follow ups are reiterated each and every month and the procedure is repeated for at least eight to ten times. In addition, PRP is injected into the skin while doing the microneedling procedure. And another device that can be taken advantage is dermapen in which the length of the needle runs from 0.2 mm to 2 mm. there is an about 1000 fold escalation in the deposition of collagen with the use of a microneedling device. A couple of studies have presented how microneedling can be a safe alternative method to laser resurfacing, click here to get started!

All You Need to Know about Microneedling



Microneeling is an effective facial treatment procedure. It may sound like an intimidating kind of treatment because of the word needle but this is not the case. This method is better than most of the over-the-counter creams meant to be applied on the face. In fact, it is a safe skincare treatment method, which is good for filling in scars formed as a result if acne. If done by a professional, your skin can remain smooth and radiant for a long time. Below is all what you need to know pertaining to microneedling.

Which Areas Can Microneedlingbe Applied?

Microneedling is not only a facial treatment method. This kind of treatment can be applied anywhere on the body where skin needs to be thickened. Especially areas with stretch marks, such as buttocks, chest and legs.

Is Microneedling Painful?

This treatment procedure does not hurt. The person doing it should first numb the area to be worked one. There are certain creams that are specifically used for numbing the skin. By so doing, the practitioner can penetrate into the skin as deep as possible. Once the treatment is done, you may realize the skin has a few tiny scabs, which fade away after a few days.

How Often is the Treatment Done?

This depends on the nature or condition of your skin. For instance, if you have a fine skin and you take good care of it, you can undergo the procedure every three to six months. But if you a lot of acne scars, you may be required to undergo the procedure every month for about six months. After that, you can plan to have it done once every year. This is just to give your skin a reboot.

Benefits of Microneedling

This kind of treatment offers a myriad of benefits. Firstly, it is good for acne scarring. It can eliminate scars as results pimples on your skin. Secondly, it is mechanical since it does not use heat. Thirdly, it is a safe procedure for all skin types and colors. Again, the treatment can smooth out the skin and fill in acne scars. Also, it helps clear out small bumps from clogged pores on the skin. Still, it helps reduce sun burns and pigmentation. Do not also forget that microneedling helps the aging skin, check it out!

How to Find a Professional

Just like finding these doctors, consider doing your research well to find a qualified and experienced practitioner. Ensure the specialist is licensed to practice. Ask your close friends and relatives for some recommendations of a good expert. You can also search for a specialist online. Make sure that you interview several candidates before settling on one.

Can Microneedles Fade Stretch Marks and Scars?


How does microneedle benefit the skin?

Take into account that microneedling brings about small tears or lacerations in the most superficial layer of the skin, called the epidermis. On the other hand, these lacerations or tears are not visible from the outside of your skin. You skin will generate collagen which is a natural substance that acts as a glue so as to bind the skin tissues together since it will try to recuperate the damage. This method will gradually replace the scar tissues with a newer and fresher tissues, in a process called as skin remodeling. It is through this method that stretch marks as well as scar cells are progressively removed by means of a microneedle roller.

When can you anticipate to see the outcome? How fast can you see the results by means of using microneedling hinges on the kind of skin condition that you are dealing with, the extent of injury suffered by your skin (depth of scarred tissues for instance), as well as the frequency of using microneedles at this website. Contingent on the degree of your skin condition, you can most likely observe the primary results as soon as your 3rd or 4th session.

The microneedle rollers can aid in dealing with acne scars and other kinds of non-keloidal scars. The entire method of skin remodeling would usually take a couple of months, on the other hand, a couple of people find visible improvements in just 4 to 5 microneedling sessions. You can even take videos or photos of the skin from time to time in order to know on how you have progressed.

Know the things microneedle can and can’t do. It all starts with knowing and understanding your personal condition. Disregard the wild sales pitches that assures miracles after utilizing the microneedle roller. There are definitely conditions that microneedle rollers can aid with, but then again, there are also conditions that are better dealt utilizing other forms of treatment such as cosmetic surgery or laser surgery. As a rule of the thumb, in the event that the skin condition that you are attempting to treat does not go beyond the surface of the skin which is called as the epidermis, then there is a great probability that microneedling can aid in remodeling and fading the outer appearance of any blemishes. On the contrary, if the condition of your skin has its roots before the epidermis, then the probability that microneedling will not have so much effect on the issue of the skin, click here to get started!